Our Next Live Event about our collection of Contemporary & Modern Indoor and Outdoor Sculpture Art
Sculpture art sales online at 🔥🗿 https://jamalartgallery.com - International Shipment available Discover our Artwork : 🗿 Modern and Contemporary...
Our Next Live Event about our collection of Original Oil Paintings Canvas At Jamal Art Gallery
Jamal A. Rahim Art Gallery Bahrain Al Arabya TV : 🌐 WEBSITE: https://jamalartgallery.com
Discover our Artwork Collection : 🎨 Contemporary...
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Contemporary artwork by 15 artists from Bahrain is being shown at the prestigious Saatchi gallery in London.
Source: AP Archive
Jamal Art Gallery Original and Contemporary oil...
“Insight of China: China-Arab Friendship Sculpture Park” Program 2015
posted Jun 27, 2016, 3:52 PM by Jamal A Rahim
To promote the stable and long-term cultural exchanges between China and the Arab countries, the Ministry...
2015 Letters & Sculptures
Bahrain, April 18, 2015 – Albareh Art Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of Alphabets and Sculptures, an exhibition featuring the works of Jamal Abdul Rahim and Abdel Elah Al...
"The Other" exhibition at Bahrain Art Centre, 10-17 Nov. 2014
يفتتح في السابعة مساءا من يوم الاثنين القادم الموافق 10 نوفمبر بمركز الفنون معرض الفنان جمال عبد الرحيم، وهو من الفنانين المعاصرين في البحرين.
يقدم الفنان...